19 March 2024
The Maths Society celebrates its first anniversary and elects a new committee.
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8 March 2024
What better way to celebrate International Women’s Day, or even International Women in Mathematics Day, than to learn about the enormous contribution women have made to mathematics! Here are a few female mathematicians you can celebrate:
1 February 2024
Our Desmos Art Competition was even more successful than we expected, so we needed to extend the deadline until 30 November! Find out who won here.
21 November 2023
Today we held our Team Maths Shootout competition, where six four person teams battled it out to solve conundrums, dingbats, and challenging maths problems as fast as possible.
12 November 2023
The International Mathematical Olympiad is a world championship maths competition for pre-university students and the oldest of the International Science Olympiads, and the most prestigious maths competition in the world.
4 September 2023
Creative bathroom tiling isn’t just a problem for DIY home renovators! It is also one of the hardest and most interesting problems in mathematics. Imagine a bathroom floor made up of black and white tiles. They are the same shape and fit together perfectly, so no overlaps or gaps. You are probably imagining rectangles or hexagons, something you might even have yourself, a ‘periodic’ pattern that will repeat forever. So is it possible to find an ‘aperiodic’ shape that will not repeat? Even if your bathroom went on forever?
The Maths Society has launched its own website! We hope you take the opportunity to explore further, and take a little joy and knowledge from it.
2 September 2023
These are the top 10 teams currently competing in the International Mathematical Olympiad, ranked by medals.
Competitions Events
16 August 2023
The Maths Society is proud to announce that this November we will host a Team Maths Shootout! Participation will be local, and you will have received follow-up communication if you are eligible, but we will publish our Heats and Finals papers and solutions, so that everyone can get a chance to solve these interesting puzzles, for the first time written by our community.
Now you are able to show your support for the Maths Society by wearing one of our beautiful badges!